Bio-Pak Choi
300 Gramm

vielseitig einsetzbar
besonders knackig
ohne Pestizide*
vielseitig einsetzbar
besonders knackig
ohne Pestizide*
Bio-Pak Choi
300 Gramm
Basis Infos
I d love to if u can deliver fresh Pak choi in Billa plus in Judenburg in Steiermark often . I m 8 years there and I saw it there only once 2 pieces and of course I bought them ... There is a market fot this veggie . Pls reconsider possibility of stacking more of this veggie on this location . Thank you
Hi Michal, unfortunately, Pak Choi is not currently available in the Judenburg area. However, you can always ask for Ja! Natürlich products and the branches will be happy to order them on request. Best, your Ja! Natürlich team
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